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Transcript Room - Committee Hearings

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Transcript Room - Committee Hearings

To obtain a transcript of a Committee Hearing, select a committee from the 'Committee' drop down menu, then choose a
date using the 'Month', 'Day' and 'Year' drop down boxes, and then click 'Search'.

If you do not know the name of committee, or wish to browse through multiple committees, you may also retrieve
trancripts from all committees by selecting 'All Committees' from the 'Committee' drop down box, and then choosing a date.

If you do not have an exact date, or wish to browse through multiple dates, you may also retrieve transcripts for an entire
month by selecting 'All Days' from the 'Day' drop down box, or an entire year by selecting 'All Months' from the 'Month'
dropdown box.


Date to Search:

No. of Transcripts: 1

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